voices from an empty room

  • september 2024

    Over the years, many of those who review my reported EVP have suggested the voices I capture are either myself or background noise; this recording could be neither. The digital recorder was placed on the desk in my office in the late evening, there was no background noise detectable and the door was shut, I was outside in the garden.

    This example is not rare; recordings I perform at home often have a background of continuous voices, at varying levels of comprehension. The clearest speech is captured during set up for either EVP experimental sittings or prior to seances, when the comments predominently focus on our pending activity and their possible contribution.

    Of late, recordings at home and on investigations have featured an increased amount of interference from sources that I have not been able to isolate. My equipment has not changed and the buildings entered, have not employed equipment known to generate the freqeuncies I have experienced. Whether this is environmental, climatic or a wider EMF disturbance is unknown.

    Whilst it may seem I have an unusual ability to record the voices that appear to be ever presently around us, I believe that anyone who wishes to capture them can, with my protocol and similar equipment. The items required to acheive similar results can be purchased for less than £100 (2024). The most important things needed, are dedication to consistent recording and having an open mind.
